Times have changed. Consumers today expect openness, and brands that hold onto secrecy do not remain unscrutinised for long.
Trust consistently emerges as the common denominator between the world’s longest lasting companies, keeping them afloat through every new fad and trend.
A neuroscientist has spent years studying what builds trust between individuals. His findings are remarkable and yet surprisingly simple.
Winning back the trust of consumers is one of the most essential battles businesses of our era could engage in, and it needs to be played on the offensive.
A new study on band trust during COVID finds that Australian supermarkets scored big in the consumer trust-stakes at the height of the pandemic.
We are in the age of scepticism, transparency and empowerment, and the need to trust our leaders and businesses is at an all time high.
Is it okay to not have God fully figured out and accept that you’ve reached the limits of your understanding?
I had prepared for this job interview, prayed for the right answers, and proven my determination to give the job my all.
Every time I read this scripture I feel I am missing something. How do I get this rest you speak of? How do I get away with God and recover my life?
"We've found it doesn’t really matter what the claim is about, as long as there is a related photograph with it, it will nudge people toward believing it".