105.1 Life FM follows the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice. You can find the full Codes here. The following Policy Statements relate to how Life FM will comply with specific Codes.

Governance Policy Statement


This Policy Statement outlines governance principles for Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”) within its legal and regulatory environment and according to its constitution and values as set out in the Association Rules and LIFE FM policy. It informs stakeholders how LIFE FM complies with Code 1 of the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice.


This Policy applies to the Committee of Management and those responsible for the governance and management of LIFE FM. It informs members how their Association will be governed.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


Governance of LIFE FM is in accordance with its constitution. A Committee of Management will be elected by members, according to the Association Rules. Each incumbent will act in accordance with the policies and procedures of LIFE FM and its ethos and values as a Christian community broadcaster.

The Committee of Management is responsible to ensure:

  • The mission, vision and values of LIFE FM are upheld.
  • The delivery of LIFE FM’s strategic objectives.
  • Good financial reporting, monitoring, and management of funds.
  • Regulatory and licence requirements are monitored and adhered to.
  • Effective risk management and succession planning for the longevity of the station.
  • Effective performance of Committee members and the Station Manager.
  • Social and ethical responsibilities are met.
  • LIFE FM’s community of interest are served responsibly in accordance with licencing provisions.
  • Office bearers are selected in accordance with LIFE FM’s constitution and merit.
  • Breaches to policy and complaints are appropriately managed and resolved.

The Committee will maintain the organisation’s policies and procedures, including the Member Policy. Member rights and responsibilities are set out in the Association Rules and policy. The Secretary will maintain a register of financial members.

This Policy Statement will be made available on LIFE FM’s website.


This Policy is maintained by the President. Further information on the Policy or a request for the full Policy can be directed to the President by contacting 5444 3512 or [email protected].

Life FM reserves the right to remove, amend, and vary this Policy from time to time.

Policy statement updated 2 September 2024.

Community Participation Policy Statement


This Policy Statement outlines how Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”) will encourage community participation for LIFE FM’s Religious / Christian community of interest. It informs stakeholders how LIFE FM complies with Code 2 of the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice.


This Policy applies to staff and volunteers of LIFE FM and is upheld by LIFE FM’s Committee of Management.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


LIFE FM serves its community interest primarily through broadcasting Christian content, promoting events on behalf of its community, and making its studios available to members and volunteers to present programs consistent with its mission and Christian ethos.

The principles of community participation and accessibility of services inform LIFE FM’s services and community engagement activities for its community of interest. Using these principles, LIFE FM will:

  • Provide membership opportunities according to its Association Rules and as a Christian community broadcaster.
  • Invite members of the community interest to participate in the life of the station including visits, volunteering, sponsorship, membership communications and activities, and feedback mechanisms.
  • Provide appropriate education and training to volunteers to enable full participation.
  • Respond to listener and member complaints and feedback in a timely manner.
  • Participate in local activities related to its community of interest.
  • Request feedback from its community of interest pertaining to programming content and matters of interest to the station (e.g. in person, on-air, through surveys and newsletters).
  • Maintain multiple communication avenues for connection with its community.
  • Promote volunteer opportunities and membership on-air, on-line, and through networking.
  • Promote events not inconsistent with its mission and values for its community of interest.
  • Provide engagement opportunities with its community (e.g. fundraisers and open days).
  • Maintain policy and procedures for volunteering.
  • Provide a safe environment for staff, members, and volunteers free from unlawful discrimination.

LIFE FM’s Programming Sub-committee exists to provide a forum for community representation for its listener audience to evaluate programming content and respond to member review requests. Vacancies for the sub-committee will be publicised in a variety of member and listener channels.

This Policy Statement will be made available on LIFE FM’s website.


This Policy is maintained by the President. Further information on the Policy or a request for the full Policy can be directed to the President by contacting 5444 3512 or [email protected].

Life FM reserves the right to remove, amend, and vary this Policy from time to time.

Policy statement updated 2 September 2024.

Programming Policy Statement


This Policy Statement outlines station programming protocols, the selection of on-air content, and adherence to broadcasting requirements for Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”). It informs stakeholders how LIFE FM will comply with elements from Codes 3, 4 and 5 of the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice.


This Policy applies to staff and volunteers of LIFE FM involved in:

  • programming and on-air work; or
  • influencing, reviewing or making programming decisions, whether live or recorded.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


LIFE FM is committed to providing Christian music and spoken-word programming for its community of interest. LIFE FM is focused on being a family friendly radio station and operates according to its Christian values and the following principles:

  • Content that communicates a Christian message and adheres to LIFE FM’s mission, ethos, and values.
  • Content that engages LIFE FM’s listener community and is informed by listener and member feedback.
  • Australian music will make up at least 25% of LIFE FM’s music programming.
  • Adherence to privacy laws and copyright laws to protect individuals and IP.
  • Content that is practical and informative, including relevant community service announcements and news for the community of interest.
  • Information presented in a way that doesn’t mislead or cause panic or unnecessary distress.
  • Refusal to broadcast any illegal or undesirable product or service, or material that promotes violence, suicide or the persecution of any person or group.
  • To consider the needs of Indigenous Australians in LIFE FM’s broadcasting and to present material on Indigenous people and issues sensitively, seeking proper advice where needed.
  • Present content consistent with life-giving words of truth, hope and encouragement, focused on honouring our faith and individuals.
  • Appropriate programming of more mature content, with children in mind.

This Policy Statement will be made available on LIFE FM’s website.


This Policy is maintained by the President. Further information on the Policy or a request for the full Policy can be directed to the President by contacting 5444 3512 or [email protected].

Life FM reserves the right to remove, amend, and vary this Policy from time to time.

Policy statement updated 2 September 2024.

Broadcasting Complaints Policy Statement


This Policy Statement outlines how Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”) will manage complaints from its community interest relating to alleged non-compliance of its licence conditions and/or the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice (“the Codes”). The Statement informs relevant stakeholders how LIFE FM complies with Code 7 of the Codes.


This Policy applies to the Committee of Management and those responsible for the management of LIFE FM and who may receive complaints under this Policy.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


LIFE FM acknowledges the rights of listeners, members, and volunteers to make complaints in writing about alleged non-compliance of licence conditions or the Codes.

LIFE FM will make every reasonable effort to resolve complaints in a timely manner, except where such a complaint is frivolous, not made in good faith, or without sufficient grounds.

LIFE FM is informed by its Association Rules when it comes to member complaints and disputes and will endeavour to follow such procedures for matters outside of this Policy.

Generally, LIFE FM will follow this process:

  • A responsible person, usually the Station Manager or a Committee of Management office-bearer, will receive complaints during normal office hours.
  • Complaints will be lodged internally and acknowledged in writing, normally by email.
  • Complaints will receive due attention, with every reasonable effort made to promptly and satisfactorily resolve the complaint, including any necessary investigation.
  • A responsible person will respond in writing to the complainant within 60 days of receiving the complaint, providing a copy of the Codes, and advising of their right to escalate a complaint about a Code matter to the ACMA if still dissatisfied.
  • A complaints register will be maintained, with complaints kept for a minimum of 2 years and made available to the ACMA on request.

This Policy Statement will be made available on LIFE FM’s website.


This Policy is maintained by the President. Further information on the Policy or a request for the full Policy can be directed to the President by contacting 5444 3512 or [email protected].

Life FM reserves the right to remove, amend, and vary this Policy from time to time.

Policy statement updated 2 September 2024.

Members and listeners will find specific Policy and Association information, plus general terms and conditions, here:

Member Policy


The purpose of this Policy is to define organisational membership according to the Association Rules.

This version applies on and from 24 May 2024 and replaces previous versions of the membership policy for Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”).


This Policy applies to members and prospective members of LIFE FM.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


Members and Membership

Members are a group of people who acknowledge the organisation’s Articles of Faith and demonstrate this through a personal faith commitment.

The aim of a member is to fulfil Christ’s commission to share the Gospel and to teach the Mind and Spirit of Jesus Christ, so that people will find hope, fulfilment, and joy.

Members of LIFE FM must:

  • Be those who acknowledge the Lordship of Christ and have affiliation with the Church as the Body of Christ;
  • Abide by LIFE FM’s Association Rules;
  • Acknowledge that LIFE FM shall be governed by the Scriptures as contained only in the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible;
  • Have read and acknowledged that LIFE FM shall be governed in accordance with the principles laid out in the Articles of Faith; and
  • Have completed an Application for Membership, acknowledging their agreement with the Articles of Faith.

LIFE FM reserves the right to refuse membership or remove from membership any member who fails to comply with this Membership Policy, in accordance with the Association Rules.

Associate Members

LIFE FM also welcomes and encourages ‘’Associate Members’’ in its Constitution. An associate member supports the station and its Christian values and beliefs but is a non-financial member. An associate member is eligible to:

  • Receive the station’s newsletter and/or other member emails relating to events, and general station and member news.
  • Provide feedback to the Station Manager or Committee of Management on the running of the station and its programming in accordance with community broadcasting principles.
  • Receive notification of meetings, such as the Annual General Meeting.

An associate member may be referred to as a ‘’friend of the station’’ or ‘’subscriber’’ dependent on the nature of the relationship. Associate members may be encouraged towards financial membership through emails/newsletters and on-air announcements.

Associate members are ineligible to vote and do not count as members for the purposes of establishing a quorum for Annual General Meetings. A quorum must be composed of financial members for voting purposes.

Articles of Faith

All LIFE FM Committee of Management members, members / volunteers, staff and programme presenters will have acknowledged their acceptance of the Articles of Faith in writing or via electronic means, as adopted by LIFE FM and set out as follows:

A confession of Faith herein set forth and summarised in such historic statements of the Christian Church as the Apostles’ Creed.

A whole-hearted acceptance of the Revelation of God given in the Old and New Testaments.

In particular, the assertion of the Doctrines, summarily stated as:

  • One God eternally existent in three Persons, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • The Deity and perfect humanity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to Heaven, His mediatory work, intercession and reign and His personal return in power and glory as Judge of all mankind.
  • The universal sinfulness of human nature in consequence of the fall, making men subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
  • Redemption from the guilt and power of sin through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ as our representative and substitute and the justification of the sinner by Grace through Faith alone.
  • The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration of the sinner and the sanctification of the believer.
  • The unity in the Holy Spirit of all true believers in the Church, which is the Body of Christ.
  • The Divine Inspiration of all Holy Scripture, its trustworthiness and its supreme authority and sufficiency in all matters of faith and conduct, as contained in the Holy Bible.

This Policy is maintained by the Committee of Management. Questions about the Policy can be directed to the President of the Committee by calling 5444 3512 or emailing [email protected].

LIFE FM reserves the right to remove, amend and vary this policy from time to time.

Privacy Policy

Central Victorian Gospel Radio operates 105.1 Life FM as well as this website, referred to as “105.1 Life FM” in this Privacy Policy.

1.0 Protecting Your Privacy

1.1 105.1 Life FM is committed to protecting your privacy.

1.2 We are bound by the National Privacy Principles under the Commonwealth Privacy Act. The National Privacy Principles and this Privacy Statement set out the standards of protection you can expect in respect of your personal information.

1.3 Set out below is the information which we are required under the National Privacy Principles to give you. We recommend that you keep a copy of this information for future reference.

1.4 By accessing and using our website or by submitting information to us, you consent to us using and disclosing your personal information in the ways described in this Privacy Statement.

2.0 Your Personal Information

2.1 We may hold a variety of personal information about you, including your name, date of birth, your current and previous addresses, your phone number, e-mail address, and certain details about your personal interests.

2.2 Occasionally, you may need to give us personal information about other people – for example, your family, next of kin, or other authorised representatives. If so, we rely on you to tell those individuals that you are giving their personal information to us.

2.3 If you choose not to give personal information to us, we may not be able to provide you with access to some or all of the websites or to our other products and services.

3.0 How We Collect Personal Information

We may collect personal information from you in a number of ways, including:
• directly from you – for example, when you send us an email, apply to register as a member of our website, or complete and submit an online form;
• from third parties – for example, our related companies, or your representatives;
• from publicly available sources; and
• when legally required to do so.

4.0 How We Collect Personal Information from Our Websites

4.1 We may also collect personal information about you when you use and access our web sites.

4.2 One of the ways we may collect information about you is through the use of “cookie”. A cookie is a small text file that the web site may place on your computer. Cookies may be used, among other things, to track the pages you have visited, to remember your preferences and to store personal information about you.

4.3 You can adjust your Internet browser to disable cookies or to warn you when cookies are being used. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas of our websites or take advantage of the improved web site experience that cookies offer.

4.4 When you visit our websites, our web servers may record other information about or relating to you, such as the time and date of your visit or the IP address assigned to the computer you are using to access the website. In many cases, we cannot and do not use this information to identify you personally – rather, we simply use this information to track and improve the performance of the websites.

5.0 How We Use Your Personal Information

5.1 Your personal information may be used by us in a number of ways, including:

  • to give you access to our websites and to the content and other things on our websites;
    • to enter you into competitions and promotions we conduct;
    • to market our products and services (or those of other people) to you, including by email;
    • to inform you of changes to our web sites, or our business, or to the content and other things available from the websites; and
    • our internal business purposes – for example, to research and develop the websites and our other products and services.

5.2 If you do not want us to use your personal information for direct marketing purposes, please contact our management by sending an email to [email protected]

5.3 To notify you of opportunities and services related to 105.1 Life FM we may ask for your personal details like name, address, email address, age, phone number and gender.

5.4 If your information is provided as part of an entry in a contest we will need the contact information to notify winners and distribute prizes and to send you further communication regarding 105.1 Life FM, such as future newsletters.

5.5 If your information is provided with feedback we will use the personal information to ascertain if this feedback is common to other listeners of similar gender and age groups and see how successfully we are providing services to our target audience.

5.6 If your information is provided with a donation we will use your credit card information for that donation only, with the only exception being in the case of a regular payment, and the contact information to send you a receipt. We will retain your contact details to send you further communication regarding 105.1 Life FM such as newsletters in the future.

6.0 When We Disclose Your Personal Information

6.1 We may disclose your personal information to each other, to our related companies and to various outside organisations (some of which may be located in foreign countries). Except as permitted under the National Privacy Principles, we will only disclose your personal information for one of the purposes set out in part 5.1 above.

6.2 Some of the outside organisations we may disclose your personal information to include:

  • our advertisers and sponsors;
    • other organisations involved in the operation and management of our websites, including market research companies and IT service providers;
    • your representatives, including your legal advisers;
    • our professional advisers, including our legal advisers and accountants;
    • government and regulatory authorities, including the Australian Communications and Media Authority; and
    • organisations that purchase all or part of our assets or businesses.

6.3 If any of these organisations are located outside Australia, you expressly consent to us disclosing your personal information to those organisations.

6.4 We take reasonable steps to ensure that each organisation that we disclose your personal information to is committed to protecting your privacy.

6.5 When you register as a member of any of our websites, some information about your account (such as your user name) may be publicly available on our web sites when you contribute content to our web sites, or participate in any of our website forums or chat rooms. If you choose to include any personal information about yourself in any content that you contribute to any of our websites, that information will be available and accessible to other users of our web sites anywhere in the world.

6.6 You must not include any personal information about other people in any content that you contribute to any of our websites, unless such people have expressly consented to you including their personal information in such content and to you providing the content to us for use on our websites.

7.0 Help Us To Ensure We Hold Accurate Information

7.1 We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, the accuracy of the information we hold depends to a large extent on the information you provide.

7.2 Please help us by:

(a) letting us know if there are any errors in the information we hold about you; and

(b) keeping us up to date with changes to your information, such as changes to your name or address.

8.0 How You Can Access Your Personal Information

8.1 You have a right to access your personal information, subject to some exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know by contacting the President or Station Manager. For security reasons, we may ask you to put your request in writing.

8.2 We may charge a fee for searching for and providing access to your information.

9.0 Preventing Unauthorised Access To Your Personal Information

9.1 We will take reasonable steps to maintain the security of and to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your personal information.

9.2 However, we do not guarantee that unauthorised access to your personal information will not occur, either during transmission of that information to us or after we receive that information.

10. Linked Sites

10.1 Our websites may contain links to other Internet websites. These links are provided solely for your convenience.

10.2 If you submit personal information to or via any linked site, the privacy principles applying to that information will be outside our control. You should therefore check the privacy statement of the linked site before submitting information to or via that site.

11. Changes To Our Privacy Statement

11.1 From time to time, we may need to change this Privacy Statement to reflect our changing business practices. We may therefore change this Privacy Statement at any time by posting the changed Privacy Statement on this website, and by posting a notice to users on the 105.1 Life FM and our radio station homepages stating that a change has occurred.

11.2 All personal information collected and held by us will be governed by our most recent Privacy Statement, as posted on this web site.

12. How To Contact Us

If you have any questions in relation to privacy, please contact our management by sending an email to [email protected], or by contacting us on phone number 03 5444 3512, or at our postal address of PO Box 126 Golden Square, VIC 3555.

Privacy Policy updated 6 May 2024.


Internal Grievances Policy

1.      PURPOSE

The purpose of this Policy is to outline internal grievances and conflict management processes for Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM” or “the Association”).

The Policy informs relevant stakeholders how LIFE FM complies with Code 1 (specifically point 1.5) of the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice.

This version applies on and from 6 January 2025 and replicates the existing grievance procedure contained within the Association Rules.


This Policy applies to all members of the Association.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.

3.      POLICY

Member Objective

The objective of LIFE FM members should be to maintain open communication and seek to honour and respect each other as is their Christian duty. This will help ensure that serious conflict does not occur.

The following grievance procedure is as it appears in the CVGR Association Rules (rules 25 to 29).

25          Application

(1) The grievance procedure set out in this Division applies to disputes under these Rules between:

(a) a member and another member;

(b) a member and the Committee;

(c) a member and the Association.

(2) A member must not initiate a grievance procedure in relation to a matter that is the subject of a disciplinary procedure until the disciplinary procedure has been completed.

26          Parties Must Attempt to Resolve the Dispute

The parties to a dispute must attempt to resolve the dispute between themselves within 14 days of the dispute coming to the attention of each party.

27          Appointment of Mediator

(1) If the parties to a dispute are unable to resolve the dispute between themselves within the time required by rule 26, the parties must within 10 days:

(a) notify the Committee of the dispute; and

(b) agree to or request the appointment of a mediator; and

(c) attempt in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation.

(2) The mediator must be:

(a) a person chosen by agreement between the parties; or

(b) in the absence of agreement—

(i) if the dispute is between a member and another member—a person appointed by the Committee; or

(ii) if the dispute is between a member and the Committee or the Association—a person appointed or employed by the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria.

(3) A mediator appointed by the Committee may be a member or former member of the Association but in any case must not be a person who:

(a) has a personal interest in the dispute; or

(b) is biased in favour of or against any party.

28          Mediation Process

(1) The mediator to the dispute, in conducting the mediation, must:

(a) give each party every opportunity to be heard; and

(b) allow due consideration by all parties of any written statement submitted by any party; and

(c) ensure that natural justice is accorded to the parties throughout the mediation process.

(2) The mediator must not determine the dispute.

29          Failure to Resolve Dispute by Mediation

If the mediation process does not resolve the dispute, the parties may seek to resolve the dispute in accordance with the Act or otherwise at law.


  • Code of Conduct Policy
  • Broadcasting Complaints Policy
  • Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice
  • Association Rules


This Policy is maintained by the Committee of Management as part of the Association Rules. Questions about the Policy can be directed to the President of the Committee by calling 5444 3512 or emailing [email protected].

This Policy may only be amended or varied in accordance with changes to the Association Rules.

Uploaded 4 January 2025

Sponsorship Policy


Under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA) community broadcasters are not permitted to broadcast “advertising.” However, sponsorship is permitted, and is akin to a limited form of advertising. The BSA outlines three key requirements of a sponsorship announcement:

  • Sponsorship content will be limited to five minutes in any hour [BSA 1992 Sch 2, Part 5, clause 9 (3)].
  • Every sponsorship announcement will be clearly ‘tagged’ [BSA Sch 2, Part 1, clause 2 (2)b]
  • There must be a legitimate financial relationship between the sponsor and the station or program.


The purpose of this Policy is to ensure compliance with the BSA and the Codes of Practice. It also provides clear direction on LIFE FM’s ethos with relation to sponsorship.

This Policy will commence from 27 May 2024. It replaces all other sponsorship policies of Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”), whether written or not.


This Policy applies to staff and volunteers of LIFE FM, referred to as ‘’workers,’’ and where applicable, sponsors.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


LIFE FM will act always in accordance with its principles and ethos. In line with the community broadcasting code of practice (Code 6):

  • Sponsorship will not be a factor in determining access to broadcasting time;
  • The content and style of individual programs is not influenced by the sponsors of programs; and
  • Overall programming of community broadcasting stations is not influenced by sponsors.


  1. Sponsorship announcements will be in accordance with the requirements of LIFE FM’s licence, the Broadcasting Services Act, and relevant regulations in force at the time.
  2. LIFE FM will not allow sponsorship of any product or service which is:
    • Illegal, or promotes the sex industry, political parties, tobacco, or gambling;
    • Endorses a political party or individual;
    • In direct violation of its principles and ethos or could reasonably be understood to be in contradiction with its principles or ethos; and/or
    • Reasonably considered offensive to the listener audience of LIFE FM.
  3. Sponsorship will not present a doctrinal viewpoint which is contrary to LIFE FM’s ‘Articles of Faith’ and/or general broadcasting policy.
  4. LIFE FM reserves the right to refuse any offer of sponsorship, and to terminate any agreement at any time without prior notice, but will not do so unreasonably.
  5. Two sponsors in the same line of business competing in the same market area will not be aired in the same sponsorship break.
  6. With consideration for “like for like’’ sponsor packages, scheduling of sponsorship announcements will be varied for equitable distribution amongst sponsors.
  7. Programs and services approved to carry sponsorship include; News, Weather, service-based information programs, and specialist music programs.
  8. Program sponsorship decisions will be at the determination of the Station Manager/President and Operations Manager.
  9. Individual presenters and members are not entitled to seek sponsorship on behalf of LIFE FM without written consent of Management.
  10. Under no circumstances can presenters accept gifts, products or services of payments in return for promotion of a product, service or business.


The following procedure informs how LIFE FM will execute sponsorships internally:

  • Members of the Sponsorship Team must provide and maintain a written contract with sponsors.
  • Any member, or committee member, can recommend sponsorship. The new sponsor must be sent to a member of the Sponsorship Team for appropriate discussions and onboarding.
  • Sponsorship spots must comply with the “on-air” sound guidelines as set out by the ACMA and LIFE FM station management.
  • Standard sponsorship spots will be thirty (30) seconds. Spots in other lengths may be negotiated, but the Station Manager will have final say on the length of sponsorship spots.
  • Sponsorships will be sold according to the packages and conditions as set out by LIFE FM or by negotiation. Packages, and terms and conditions may change at any time.
  • Sponsorship spots shall not:
    • compare a sponsor’s product or service with that of a competitor, either in monetary, quality or service terms; or
    • make claims that cannot be substantiated.

Any sponsorship proposal outside of these guidelines must have the approval of the Committee of Management of LIFE FM. However, the Committee must make all sponsorship decisions according to the station’s ethos and codes of practice.

Breach of Sponsorship Policy

Employees and volunteers conducting sponsorship, scheduling, and programming activities must comply with this Policy.

In some cases, a breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action. The type and severity of the disciplinary action will depend upon the circumstances of the case and the seriousness of the breach. In serious cases, this may include termination of employment, or volunteering services.

The Association Rules may inform how members are disciplined under this Policy along with the principles of fairness and natural justice.


This Policy is maintained by the Station Manager. Questions about the Policy can be directed to the President of the Committee by calling 5444 3512 or emailing [email protected].

Life FM reserves the right to remove, amend and vary this policy from time to time.

Volunteer Policy


Volunteers are critical to the work of LIFE FM. The purpose of this Policy is to establish responsibilities and expectations for volunteer participation.

This Policy will commence from 24 May 2024. It replaces all other volunteer policies of Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc., trading as 1051 Life FM (“LIFE FM”), whether written or not.


This Policy applies to members and volunteers. The Policy includes work that is undertaken away from the station’s address.
This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or service.


Principles of Volunteering

• Benefits the community and the volunteer;
• Is a matter of choice by the volunteer;
• Is an unpaid activity that does not receive a salary, pension, government allowance, or other form of remuneration;
• Is a vital form of community participation; and
• Provides an outlet for social, emotional, mental, spiritual, and other human needs.

Volunteering does not replace paid workers nor constitute a threat to the job security of paid workers.

To volunteer for LIFE FM:
• A person must first become a member of the station as defined by the Membership Policy. Once membership has been ratified in accordance with LIFE FM’s Rules of Association, a person may be considered for volunteering roles.

Volunteer management is the responsibility of the Station Manager, or suitably authorised personnel under the direction of the Committee of Management.

Volunteer Rights

Volunteers have the right to be treated with respect and to contribute to their community of choice through their skills, personal attributes, and experience. At LIFE FM, volunteers have the right to:
• Be treated as a co-worker.
• Receive suitable assignments that align with an individual’s skills, experience, interests, and other relevant factors that support the engagement of a volunteer with their job role.
• Receive education and information on the organisation, its mission, policies, and people.
• Clear and open communication on relevant matters including those affecting their job roles.
• An appropriate orientation, introduction and provision of information about the organisation and their role.
• Receive sound guidance and direction in the workplace.
• Receive advance notice (where possible) of changes which may affect their work (such as programming changes).
• Be able to undertake their role without unreasonable interruption or interference.
• A workplace that is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, and unsafe work practices.
• Make suggestions, provide feedback and contribute to the organisation’s mission and vision.
• Make a grievance or complaint and have it fairly handled according to the organisation’s complaint and dispute processes.
• Receive written notification and reasons for suspension and/or release of services.
• Receive training that will enable healthy and enjoyable participation at the station.

Volunteer Responsibilities

While volunteering is a choice, volunteers must still abide by certain directions and expectations. At LIFE FM, these include:
• To act in good faith towards the station and its workers.
• Committing to LIFE FM’s mission and values.
• To be professional and considerate towards members of LIFE FM’s community and interested parties.
• Not leveraging a volunteer role for an individual’s own interests, or related business interests.
• To honestly present themselves and their skills and experiences, as they would for paid employment (i.e. not to exaggerate or make false claims).
• Contributing their best endeavours in the manner agreed between the volunteer and the station, including being prompt, reliable, and productive.
• Notifying a supervisor or Committee of Management member if unable to meet commitments (temporarily or long-term).
• To agree to and abide by station policies and procedures.
• Adhering to Codes and broadcast laws (e.g. defamation law) as a presenter or on-air scheduler.
• Treating the station, its reputation, equipment, people, and its environment with care and consideration, notifying a supervisor or Committee of Management member if there is a fault, breach of policy, or issue.
• Attend training relevant to the role held.
• Gain and maintain familiarity with laws and procedures relevant to a volunteer’s role and sphere of influence at the station.
• Only use station resources for LIFE FM’s purposes, not for personal gain.
• Being considerate and respectful of everyone they come into contact with, regardless of differing opinions or beliefs.

LIFE FM’s Commitment

Management of LIFE FM commits to the following:

  • Providing a caring and respectful workplace, where volunteer contributions are valued.
    • Supporting volunteers to achieve their volunteering goals.
    • Maintaining its property and equipment for the enjoyment, productivity, accessibility, and safety of its workers.
    • Listening to feedback and reasonably negotiating tasks and availability.
    • Providing support and training within its reasonable capacity to do so.
    • Placing volunteers in roles they are best suited.
    • Maintaining the required insurances and operating licences.

Breach of Volunteer Policy

Volunteers and those managing volunteers must comply with this Policy.

In some cases, a breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action. The type and severity of the disciplinary action will depend upon the circumstances of the case and the seriousness of the breach. In serious cases, this may include termination of volunteering services.

Volunteers, including volunteer members of committees, who are found to have breached this Policy may be suspended or removed from their position.

The Association Rules may inform how members are disciplined under this Policy along with the principles of fairness and natural justice. See Part 3, Division 2 of the Association Rules.


This Policy is maintained by the Station Manager. Questions about the Policy can be directed to the President of the Committee by calling 5444 3512 or emailing [email protected].

LIFE FM reserves the right to remove, amend and vary this policy from time to time.

Competition Terms and Conditions



Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc. trading as 105.1 Life FM

The following general contest rules apply to all 105.1 LifeFM contests. They may be amended or varied from time to time by 105.1 LifeFM. Special rules may apply to particular competitions, in which case an addendum to these rules will be made for that contest.
Please enquire at 105.1 LifeFM for any special rules for contests you wish to enter.

General Contest Rules

  1. Unless otherwise specified in special contest terms and conditions, no person may enter any contest more than once.
    2. Competitions will be open to those over 18 years of age.
    3. The value of a single prize will be determined by the Station Manager / Committee of Management at the time of the competition.
    4. All prizes must be collected within 90 days from the date of winning. After that time, unclaimed prizes will be dealt with according to legislative requirements. It is the sole responsibility of winners to collect their prize. 105.1 LifeFM will not notify winners of the time remaining.
    5. Where a prize is for a time-sensitive event, such as a concert ticket, prize collection within 90 days will not apply. Prizes will be collected in accordance with the terms provided by 105.1 LifeFM at the time of the giveaway. Prizes not collected within 7 days of the event, or any other timeframe issued by 105.1 LifeFM at the time of the competition, will be forfeited, and potentially redrawn and issued to another winner.
  2. Competitions are not open to:
    i. employees, committee members, or volunteers of 105.1 LifeFM,       their partner, parent, natural or adopted children or siblings,
    ii. contestants who have won a prize/prizes valued individually or   collectively from 105.1 LifeFM in the last 28 days,
    iii. contestants living outside the Bendigo broadcast area (including   online streaming outside of 105.1 LifeFM’s broadcast area).
    7. Prizes must be claimed in person unless the winner is otherwise advised. Where 105.1 LifeFM elects to post a prize to a winner no responsibility will be accepted by 105.1 LifeFM for the safe and effective postal delivery of the prize.
    8. In the event that a winner chooses not to accept a prize, they forfeit any and all claims to that prize, which will be dealt with according to the absolute discretion of 105.1 LifeFM subject to legislative requirements.
    9. Prizes are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash and must (where applicable) be used on the dates specified. All prizes are accepted entirely at the risk of the winner, and 105.1 LifeFM excludes all warranties in connection with any prize to the extent permitted by law.
    10. In the event where a specified prize becomes unavailable, 105.1 LifeFM reserves the right to offer the winner another item of equal value.
    11. 105.1 LifeFM, its agencies, affiliates, sponsors and representatives are not responsible for defective prizes or misuse of any prize, or for any claims, liability, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with any contest promoted by 105.1 LifeFM.
    12. All contestants release from and indemnify Central Victorian Gospel Radio Inc. trading as 1051 LifeFM (ABN 58 293 893 363) against, all liability, cost, loss or expense arising out of acceptance of any prize(s) or participation in any contest including (but not limited to) personal injury and damage to property and whether direct or consequential, foreseeable, due to some negligent act or omission or otherwise.
    13. If the prize is related to a dated event at a particular location, the prize winner must be able to attend the event in person, otherwise they will forfeit the prize (notwithstanding unforeseen events such as unexpected illness outside of the control of the winner).
    14. Acceptance of a prize constitutes permission for 105.1 LifeFM to use winner’s name, suburb or general location, recording of winner’s voice and likeness for advertising and promotional purposes without compensation.
    15. 105.1 LifeFM is not responsible for lost, interrupted communications or unavailable network server or other connections, failed telephone, mid-delivery or computer transmissions or other errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical or electronic.
    16. All entries by internet are sent entirely at the risk of the entrant. If there are any difficulties arising out of the internet or any associated equipment 105.1 LifeFM may at its absolute discretion disqualify the entire entry or any portion thereof.
    17. All entries and material submitted in connection with a competition (whether written, audio, electronic, visual, or a combination of forms) or any likeness, audio recording, or video footage taken of competitors are assigned to 105.1 LifeFM and become the property of 105.1 LifeFM, whereupon it may use the material in any medium, in any reasonable manner, as it sees fit. Copyright of any such material remains the sole property of 105.1 LifeFM. This clause is subject to constraints imposed by Privacy Law. Each entrant warrants they own the copyright and/or intellectual property rights for any material submitted in connection with a competition, and has the authority and power to handover the rights of such material, and any other rights, to 105.1 LifeFM.
    18. 105.1 LifeFM reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend a competition.
    19. 105.1 LifeFM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual for tampering with competition entries or technologies, acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or found to be in breach of these Rules upon being selected a winner.
    20. 105.1 LifeFM may incorporate information from entrants in any contest(s) in any database to be used for the purpose of its business.
    21. Winners must comply with the terms and conditions of the competition to be eligible for a prize.
    22. 105.1 LifeFM runs competitions and issues prizes in good faith. 105.1 LifeFM takes no responsibility for variations in prize values. Any taxes payable as a consequence of winning a prize will be the sole responsibility of the winner.
    23. 105.1 LifeFM may require identification upon collecting a prize and refuse to issue a prize without proper identification.
    24. Any loss of a prize by a postal or courier service, or retraction of the prize by the sponsor or issuer of the prize is not the responsibility of 105.1 LifeFM.
    25. The judges’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
    26. A person who refuses to comply with or breaches any terms of these General Contest Rules will forfeit their prize. All contestants acknowledge that 105.1 LifeFM can rely on this clause at any time, even after 105.1 LifeFM has nominated the person as a winner or awarded the prize. Return of the prize or payment of its value to 105.1 Life FM can be requested and required.
    27. Notwithstanding anything else in these Rules, 105.1 LifeFM has absolute discretion in awarding prizes in a competition.
    28. A failure by 105.1 LifeFM to enforce any of these General Contest Rules in any instance(s) will not give rise to any claim by any person.
    29. 105.1 LifeFM may vary or cancel these Rules from time to time, including by extending the time for, varying, or terminating any competition.

Competition Terms and Conditions updated 22 May 2024.



General Terms and Conditions


Website and Content

Access to and use of this site 105.1 Life FM is provided by 105.1 Life FM subject to the following conditions:

  1. By using 105.1 Life FM, you agree to be legally bound by these terms, which shall take effect immediately on your first use of 105.1 Life FM’s website.
  2. 105.1 Life FM may change these terms at any time by posting changes online.

Use of 105.1 Life FM’s Content

  1. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use content in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use.
  2. You also agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any 105.1 Life FM content except for your own personal, non-commercial use.
  3. Other than for your personal use, you must not use a presenter’s work, whether in audio or other format, except by permission. Please write to [email protected] or contact the individual ministry or presenter for permission.
  4. Any other use of www.life1051.org.au content requires the prior written permission of 105.1 Life FM.

Intellectual Property

  1. The names, images and logos identifying 105.1 Life FM or third parties and their products and services are subject to the copyright, design rights and trademarks of 105.1 Life FM and third parties.

105.1 Life FM
PO BOX 126
Golden Square VIC 3555 Australia

[email protected]

Community Events

105.1 Life FM Community Events directory is a community service providing not-for-profit community groups free publicity for upcoming events within the Bendigo area.

Before you complete the form below please read the following Terms and Conditions. Your completion of the form assumes your acceptance of these conditions.

Does Your Event Meet The Criteria?

The types of events Noticeboard can include are events for your church, community and not-for-profit group, such as:

  • Markets
  • Festivals and fairs
  • Exhibitions
  • Musicals/dramas
  • Events that are single (one-off) events
  • Church conferences
  • Seniors’ events, youth camps, marriage retreats, school holiday programs
  • Some fundraisers
  • Events that are three weeks or more in the future, or that have their RSVP date three weeks or more in the future

Events We May Not List

  • Events that run continuously (daily, weekly, monthly). For example a playgroup or seniors group. We may list the first instance of this event.
  • Events that have a start date, or RSVP date, within the next two weeks (get yours in as early as possible)
  • Events that invite patrons to a business with the result of advertising that business (please see our Sponsorship page)
  • Regular or seasonal church services, Bible studies etc.
  • Book/DVD/CD launches
  • Events sent in more than ten weeks in advance of when they occur may not become live until ten weeks out from the event date
  • Events that don’t support our community of listeners

Once you have read 105.1 Life FM Terms and Conditions please return to Add Your Event and tick the Terms and Conditions box before submitting your event.

Terms and Conditions updated 6 May 2024.