If you have have a tendency to take on too much, these organisational and time-management tips will help you to control the chaos.
Here are a few things I discovered on the bumpy road to procrastinating less and finding a little more restfulness.
Brian Harris suggests, each time we are about to say “yes”, why not pause and ask, “what does this mean I am saying no to?”
Imagine your diary is at a predictable place so that people know when you are working and when you can be contacted. You can make it happen!
If you catch yourself saying you don’t have enough time for something, rephrase it as: “this is not a priority for me”, writes Yiqin Houston.
Eugene Peterson once said pastors should be ‘unbusy’, ‘subversive’ and ‘apocalyptic’. I say this should apply to ALL followers of Jesus.
These days I find myself saying “no” far more easily to things I would’ve said “yes” a thousand times to perhaps a few years ago.
Until Apple and Android's latest screen time feature release, we’ve not had a good picture of how much time we spend on our devices.
You're likely doing a good job taking care of your children. But how are you at being with them?
Most days begin in a groan and a vague rolling out of bed after a lot of denial. It’s a rude awakening. The beauty that paints the sky and has the power to transform our hearts... and here we are missing it.