Did you have an imaginary friend growing up? Did you know that you don’t need to have an imaginary friend when you have God?
Renowned philosopher Rene Descartes thought that you could know who you are by understanding God… he believed God was trustworthy.
Traditionally, philosophers and spiritual leaders have believed that you must be religious to have a mystical experience. Is it true?
Have you heard the new term being used to describe those who turn up to the workplace rather than always work from home?
Social media and smart devices are affecting our mental health and our brains. Here are some considerations to help you use technology well.
Ageing. Some of us fight it, but ultimately the war is unwinnable. How can we become less afraid of something that is inevitable?
Here’s the problem with being a high achiever: it can make you proud as well as insecure, at the same time.
We all know how stressful work can be. So, should we just avoid it altogether? The Bible gives a very clear answer to that — no!
“I think I need a personal brand makeover.” I never imagined saying these words – yet here I was, needing to make myself more visible.
If you catch yourself saying you don’t have enough time for something, rephrase it as: “this is not a priority for me”, writes Yiqin Houston.