Jesus wanted to expose the rule-keepers false assumptions, to show him that commandment-keeping was not the way to inherit eternal life.
When Jesus breathed His last, the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom to announce to the world that because of Jesus’ completed sacrifice.
There are many people who try to get rid of the Cross, and in many different ways, and not all of them are atheists, writes Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.
How do you see your scars? Repulsive? Shameful? Embarrassing? Jesus isn’t afraid to touch our scars… He is able to heal them, writes Danni Synot.
Why does Jesus reject these people who did good things, but accept the thief on the cross who, may never have done anything good in his entire life?
Research has shown that procrastinators can produce results of lower quality and suffer more stress and illness. Why put off what you can do now?
It’s hard to imagine being more desperate than that moment when you run out of loo roll. It can teach us something about our humanity, writes Sam Chan.
During the pandemic, Princess encouraged friends with daily bible verses. She learnt just how powerful God’s word is at transforming lives.
No matter what generation you belong to, you’ll be replaced by the next one. There’s a much more important generation to belong to, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.