Maybe you’re overwhelmed—by anxiety, depression, loneliness, or lack of purpose. Here’s the truth: God knows you and cares deeply for you.
The Google Maps murder suspect is a small example of what is a global reality: the eyes of the LORD are roaming throughout the earth.
The good news is that in the hands of Jesus disqualifying stories are transformed. That’s the essence of the Gospel.
Ruth Chou Simons believes that waiting isn’t about waiting for God to give us what we want, but surrendering to where He has us, right now.
How do we make sense of life’s most agonising seasons, when it feels like God is either distant, or not present at all?
Have you noticed how much of the Christmas story hinges on God’s conversations with the key characters and how they responded?
The Ten Days of Awe challenge, in line with the most holy season in the Jewish calendar, encourages us to pursue moments of awe and wonder.
Feeling like God hasn’t kept our ‘bargain’ limits our ability to trust God. Brian Harris unpacks the limiting beliefs that hold us back.
In Christianity we talk a lot about having a personal relationship with God, but do you hear God’s voice? Here are some tips for how.
It’s a noble and inspiring sentiment, and one you hear in many vision statements – but what does it really mean to flourish?