When outspoken advocates for the left and right turn out to be the best of friends – it gets people wondering: how can this be?
Our 30th Prime Minister has a chat about life and faith, operating at the top level of politics for more than a decade.
Here in Australia, we’re still to catch up with the rest of the world’s cautious reversal on the use of puberty blockers.
Western democracies are in trouble, according to many commentators, who say countries like Australia and the US are facing serious challenges.
As I’ve thought about the various issues, here are 10 of my reflections on the Voice, and on the Israel situation.
Two respectful “yes” and “no” perspectives to add to your research in making an informed decision on The Voice Referendum.
What we recently saw in the NSW state election was somewhat novel: two opposing politicians, arguing the issues, not targeting each other.
When a Jewish thought-leader is championing the cause of Christianity, you know there’s got to be good reason. John Anderson catches up with Dennis Prager.
“Our sense of balance has defined us as a nation and will safeguard our future.” Australia’s 25th prime minister chats about his new book.
A suburban pastor organised a rally on religious freedom, then was invited to talk to the Shadow Attorney-General. Yet he doesn’t see himself as political.