Something happened post crucifixion. Whatever it was, it was so powerful that it led to the transformation of the world…
Easter eggs, Lent, Good Friday, hot cross buns… you may be surprised to know the origins of your favourite Easter tradition!
Ah, Easter. It’s the logic of love demonstrated in sacrifice. ‘We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us.’
For some, Easter is the most important faith-centred time of their year, and for others, it’s another chance to relax over a long weekend.
Will you be like the crowds when Jesus entered Jerusalem? ‘Throwing your clothes at Jesus’ feet’ is symbolic of calling upon him as Saviour.
We must simplify our understanding of embracing a slower lifestyle. Rest is expressed differently for each of us, writes Amanda Viviers.
Unless you have an allergy, there’s no need to ban chocolate at Easter altogether. But there are some ways you can moderate it.
There’s a wonderful variety of programs suitable for the whole family this Easter on the free streaming platform GOOD.
The ‘Easter Cookie Story’ is a great tradition to start with your family- making meringue cookies and hearing the Easter story from the Bible.
Research shows that 40 percent of Australians would say yes if they were invited to church at Easter time.