Saturday 19th February 2022, AGM at 11am, followed by lunch. Hey… we'd love to welcome you and other members at our AGM to be followed by a light BBQ lunch in the beautiful gardens of St Mary's Anglican Church, Kangaroo Flat (enter via Church Street). Come and meet the announcers.
Have you ever dreamed of visiting Jaffa, Caesarea, Nazareth, Cana, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Golan Heights,...
Click below to view our summer newsletter [button href=”” target=”1″ class=”” bg_color=”#222″ bg_hover=”#555″ text_color=”” text_hover=”#fff” width=”auto” font_size=”20″ border_size=”4″...
Thirty years ago the founders of Central Victorian Gospel Radio (105.1 Life FM) shared the dream that one day this radio...
Join us for a preview screening of The Star. A small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life...
Click here to view our Spring newsletter
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Be part of Miracles Day at LifeFM Give The Gift of Sight…a Miracle for Life! In as little as 12...
‘RISE OF THE UNDERDOG’ A quirky ‘underdog’ movement is calling on everyday Australians to take up table tennis bats to...
Having a genuine and positive impact on the lives of all our listeners here in Bendigo is very important to us. In fact, it’s what...