When you remember what God has done, you will be prepared to share when the opportunity comes. Lis shares her story…
Our lives need good ingredients that build healthy spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional habits. It matters how we live life day to day.
For the last 31 years, Open Doors has released their World Watch List, detailing where persecution against Christians is most prolific.
“We can’t save them but love them where they are at.” Jeremiah Project’s Jacky Turano reminds us that small acts of kindness can mean a lot.
‘How do you know it’s God?’ Is a question that almost every Christian has asked before, so what’s the answer?
A Federal lawmaker publicly asking questions about UFOs and aliens – and it’s not an X-files episode. What should Christians make of it all?
‘Hey God, Can I Ask You Something?’ asks some big questions, breaking it down into bite-sized chunks, perfect for primary aged kids.
What’s the one thing you can bring to the world? Whatever it is, don’t overcomplicate it. Find it, own it, and live it out wholeheartedly.
Jenn Johnson caught up with Laura Bennett to talk about the impact of losing her mother-in-law Beni Johnson, and how worship saved her.
It’s worth asking the question: what are we doing in the Advent period to remain clear and focused, and to make room for Jesus?