Resilience, generous leadership and selective listening are just a few things that author and entrepreneur Seth Godin touches on.
What's your why? Often why we find people totally uninspired in jobs they hate or in relationships they feel trapped in because they've missed the big why in the equation of life.
When something keeps you awake at night, when something interrupts your peace during the day, when you keep going over and over something to get it right, then you know you have a perfectionist problem.
The tension between a strong back and a soft front reveals that true belonging requires both courage and vulnerability.
We change over time, and if we don’t take time out to think the next chapter of our lives, we may drift along and another year will have passed.
I love social media, but I’m becoming more and more dissatisfied with distance and want more real-time interactions.
When you have those moments in life where you can cross from before into after, it’s important to stop, take time and make changes that will sustain you for the long-haul.
Doing the creative best with our lives means making choices that intentionally craft our days in order to ensure that, when they are added together, they are significant and meaningful.
I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to give advice, criticism and gifts, but not so easy to receive them. Today, I dare you to receive.
It’s a question I find myself asking often. Is this really how I want to spend my time? Occasionally I think I need to get a ‘real job’.