Letting go is one of the hardest and scariest things a parent can do. Kylie Coulson shares her feelings about her daughter who has just begun dating.
How young is too young for a romantic relationship? Here’s how to broach the subject of dating and romantic love with your teens.
Marriage is washing his dirty laundry, sharing a bathroom, a toilet, a bed. It’s seeing your wife’s body change when she’s pregnant and giving birth.
Wondering if you should start dating? Here are 10 questions that will help you figure out if he’s just a crush or has real potential.
Here are 10 raw and honest Christian dating tips compiled by the many failings of my own life and the wisdom of a collective group of voices.
Today our cultural expectations are still built around a fairytale theology from the sixteenth century; sometimes even regarded as a godly moral code.
Australia doesn’t have much of a dating culture. We tend to see teens with boyfriends or girlfriends. But dating… not so much.
In the past few years as Joshua has revaluated his position, Australian filmmaker Jessica Van Der Wyngaard has been making a documentary on the process.
Although you’ll never be completely ready for marriage here are five “travel essentials” that will equip you for the marriage journey!
I kissed a lot of boys as a teenager. lWhy did I wait for marriage to have sex? Was it worth it and did it actually benefit my marriage? My answers may surprise you.