By: Sheridan Voysey

Whenever I speak on dreams someone will inevitably put up their hand and ask, ‘What if you don’t have any dreams for your life? How can you find one?’

You may not be a particularly dream-driven person. Or you may just be too tired from the trials of life to have the mind and heart space to dream right now. Whatever the reason, if you’re stuck when it comes to having a dream for your life, what I’ve written below may help you unearth a new dream or aspiration.

12 Questions to Help You Find a New Dream

This is a tool I use with attendees of my Recalibrate Your Life retreat. These 12 questions are arranged from easy to harder, to help you ease in. I’ve left space so you can print this page off and use it one quiet afternoon. Alternatively, you can download the Word doc here. I hope these prompts start you on the track to dreaming again.

1. An experience I’d like to have…


2. A person I’d like to learn from…


3. A project I’d like to complete…


4. A hobby I’d like to explore…


5. A relationship I’d like to strengthen…


6. A talent or spiritual gift I’d like to develop…


7. A character trait I’d like to grow in…


8. A wrong I’d like to right…


9. ‘The place God calls you to is where the world’s deep hunger and your deep gladness meet’ (Frederick Buechner):

  • A world need or cause (‘hunger’) I feel drawn to…
  • A job or task I feel most alive doing (‘gladness’)…


10. The part of God’s Dream I most resonate with…

    • Fulfilling Longings
    • Healing Wounds
    • Creating Beauty
    • Restoring Harmony


11. What I’d do if money were no object…


12. What I’ll regret not doing before I die…

Article supplied with thanks to Sheridan Voysey.

About the Author: Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. His books include Resilient, Resurrection Year, and Unseen Footprints. Get his FREE eBook Five Practices for a Resilient Life here.