"The argument for equality rights has become inflated to such a degree that we're now willing to use it against religious freedom".
"In any free and open society it's extremely important on matters to ensure that both side have their viewpoints protected." Prof Iain Benson
We need to be lovers of freedom and tolerance. A message for both sides of this postal vote, and one that we'll need even more in the ashes of the outcome.
Just 10 minutes’ drive from Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, where the terror of the shooting took place, around 2000 people meet every week to worship God.
Can the marriage law be amended in a way that both ‘sides’ in the current debate could be accommodated?
Which side of history are Christians on? Advocates for the yes case argue that society has progressed and the church needs to go with it.
Canadian says she was unprepared for the extent to which the legalisation of same-sex marriage would affect legal definitions in her country.
Examining the similarities between the campaign strategies of the yes and no case for a Republic in 1999, and in the 2017 Marriage Survey.
Talking to children about tragedy is a tough topic for most parents. In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, here’s four things to share with kids.
The Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt is Dean of St. John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane and a spokesperson for the Christians for Marriage Equality campaign.