If you haven’t already seen it, this hilarious video of a professor’s kids waltzing in on a live TV interview shows that working from home has it’s challenges.

Professor Robert Kelly was undergoing a seemingly serious BBC live interview on the impeachment of South Korean president, Park Geun-hye, when his 4 year old daughter confidently strode in followed quickly by her baby brother gliding in with the aid of a walker.

Professor Kelly is seen trying to recover his composure as his wife slides in and tries to covertly pull the kids out in a valiant but not-quite-successful attempt to stay inconspicuous.

Some viewers guessed that maybe Professor Kelly had not gotten up himself because he was only wearing jocks beneath the camera shot.

True or not, Professor Kelly’s mum told The Daily Mail that whilst she was proud of her son and hoped his expertise would precede this funny incident, that it was a lesson learnt, and “the lesson [was] to the lock the door!”.