When the unthinkable happened and a 10-year-old boy was kidnapped, he turned to his faith in Jesus to save him.

Willie Myrick was playing in his neighbourhood when saw money on the ground. Not aware this was a trap, he bent down to pick it up, at the same time somebody grabbed him and threw him into the back of a car.

“He told me he didn’t want to hear a word from me,” Willie said. Thankfully Willie didn’t listen and began singing a gospel song called ‘Every Praise’ by Hezekiah Walker. The kidnapper yelled at him to stop, but he didn’t. Willie sang praises to the Lord for 3 hours until the kidnapper got so agitated that he let him out of the car.

At this point the boy ran to a nearby home and asked them to call his Godmother.

Watch Willie tell his incredible story in the clip below.